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Every week we give you news about our healing tent.
Last Saturday, more than 20 people have heard the grace of Jesus Christ, 12 were in need of healing, and were healed.

Ann, Walid, Tim, Chris, Bill, Sharlene, Mareta, Scrimi, Anna, Tanya, Lucy, Sylvia, have all seen the power of God healing them on the market.
Displaced hips, displaced vertebrae, blocked neck, osteoarthritis in the shoulder, tendinitis in the knee, and many other instant healings.

The more I get into this experience, the more I see that our attitude is essential.

Our healing market tent is a perfect training for anyone who wants to learn how to speak the grace of Jesus Christ to their neighbor.
We come across dozens of styles of different people, different beliefs, different personalities, etc...

One of the rules is to never get into any comparison. The comparison lead to confrontation, confrontation lead to frustration or even to anger.
In general, if we address people saying that their lifestyle is bad and that they must change, most of them will set their faces against you, and nothing more is going to happen.
This is true as well for all the times we talk about Jesus Christ, whether to offer a healing, or to talk about salvation.
We can sometimes be awkward, thinking doing well, but it's the opposite of what we expect that will happen if we get into comparisons.

Unless you are asked the question, do not compare when you talk about the Gospel, but show what God does in your personal life.
It can be displayed by showing that you are love, as God is too. But also, keep smiling, whatever the situation is. Give from your necessary if needed (it happened several times to me to propose to give my jacket, my food, my money, etc...).

Do not compare the Bible to another religious book if you are facing a religious person, saying: “The Bible says this or that...”. Even if at the end of the conversation you win your argument in the fact that you can prove that you have spoken the truth, you have nevertheless fail your Exchange. The other person will walk away with the impression that you absolutely wanted to be right, and that you simply wanted to prove you hold the truth. Even if this is true, it is not the right approach to bring people to the Gospel. It's not by frustrating or annoying people that we present Jesus Christ. J

It talks much more to a person to hear what God is mightily doing in your personal life.
It is much more effective that a person comes to you in order to ask: “But what is there in you? You are different...”.
It is through this way that the Gospel is spread effectively, and not by trying to prove the other that we are absolutely right and  they are wrong.

In general we won’t never be able to offer someone something we are not living in our personal life. The provision, safety, healing, eternity are things that we must live in all circumstances, thanks to the salvation in Jesus.
It is so much easier to talk about the Gospel when we are fully living it our self.

Do you live all the aspects of the salvation in your personal life? The provision? The safety? A good health? The eternity?
If this isn't the case, at TRGN we can help you achieve this goal J, you will be then able to share the Gospel around you with even greater success.

Bye for now.

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